Sunday, November 22, 2020

Home Learning 23rd November

 Hello Year 3,

I hope that you are all happy and healthy at home and that you are getting on with the work that I am setting you. As always, I will be online during the day; on the blog, Google Classroom and be checking my email address if you need anything. 

Miss Drayton


I hope you are enjoying the story, here is the next part;

Watch the video and answer the following questions; 

  1. Why do you think they were looking at travel brochures at the start of today's video?
  2. Where did the father want to? Where did he want to live when they were there?
  3. Why did Lucy want to go back and live in the house?
  4. Why did they decide to go back into the house?
  5. Why do you think the wolves were making so much noise? What do you think they were doing?

Watch the video of Lilly and the Snowman;

Write a set of instructions about how to make a snowman. Don't forget to use imperative verbs (bossy verbs), bullet points, starting a new line with a new instruction and being really clear with what you want your reader to do. 


Today we are adding two 3 digit numbers with exchanges. If you are not sure how to do this then watch the attached video and then have a go.

Now set out the following additions correctly and work them out using this method;

1) 254 + 176                  2)  534 + 276             3) 689 + 154                   4) 429 + 156 


Today's Science lesson is all about the environment and the impact that humans have on the world. Watch the video and take part in the quiz.

If this is something that interests you, here is a link about introducing beavers back into the wild in the UK. 

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