Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Home learning 19th November

Good morning everyone. Nice to chat to some of you and your families yesterday, I will try and talk to everyone else today. Please send messages or photos of your work so that I know how you are getting on. 

This is my email address  I will be online all day while we are off school. 


Watch the video of the next part of the story and answer the questions below;

(Let me know if you are having problems seeing it, should be working now)

  • What do the people in Lucy's family think the noises are?
  • What does Lucy's brother say that he is going to do that night? Why did he say he was going to do it?
  • Why do you think Lucy's brother knows about the wolves but Lucy doesn't? What makes you think this?
  • Why do you think that there were no noises that night? What do you think was happening?
  • What do you think happens next? Why?

Watch the video below;
Toki’s tribe expects him to bring home the head of the biggest animal possible. In return, he will receive honour and respect. However, this rite of passage does not turn out as planned. With the help of a colourful new friend, he achieves something much bigger. 

Today's task: Write a letter to Toki asking him questions they would like to find out about living in the rainforest. 
The letter is from you so you need to write in the first person, using first person pronouns
If you are asking questions you need to use question marks
Address and who you are writing to
Also tell Toki something about you so that it does not become a list of questions. 

Today we will still be working on our skills of column addition, adding two 3 digit numbers. 

I have put a link to another worksheet for those who are finding this a bit easy to start to answer so different questions. 


Today we are going to learn about some of the other Roman emperors.
Follow the link below and answer the questions. 

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