Monday, July 6, 2020

Maths and other subject 06.07.20

Maths and other subjects WB 06.07.20

Our maths topic is Angles and Shapes - if you have not finished the series of measures lessons please finish before starting this unit. These 5 lessons will be on the Oak National Academy Website. if you have kept up to date we are doing lessons 6-10.

1) Watch the teaching video and complete any quizzes included
2) Pause the video  when prompted and  complete the activity in your yellow book
3) mark your learning when the answers are presented
4) email a copy of your learning by taking a photo or scanning and sending  it to

Please continue to learn your times tables up to 12 x 12 on TTRS  x1 for 15 mins and complete mathletics activities 2 x 15 mins per week

Science  The focus is food and our bodies

Watch the clip titled on BBC bitesize and then  complete the fill in the gaps activity also see a linked activity  in creativity section of this blog.

 RE and PSHE

This week we are looking at how are brain works when experiencing emotions. Watch the video below and then read and discuss the questions.

    • Have a go at building your own brain house (using junk modeling, construction blocks, or drawing) and then have a go at creating your own thinking and feeling characters to put inside.
    • Write about a time when you've experienced strong emotions and ‘flipped their lid’. 
    • Note down what helps them you to calm down and get your thinking brain working again.
    • Write stories about the characters in the brain house and the adventures they go on. Think about the strengths and weaknesses of these characters.

🇫🇷 🌈 ☁️ ☀️ 🇫🇷 French at home with Madame Cartlidge ðŸ‡«ðŸ‡· 🌈 ☁️ ☀️ 🇫🇷

Bonjour les enfants!

What strange weather we have had this week ! It has been hot, cold, rainy, stormy windy and sunny - and that is just today!

So I have a special weather activity for you to do - there is the chance to learn how to say all the different kinds of weather in French, before playing some games and learning a song.  

When you have finished, you could draw a picture of the weather today and label in in French. If you take your picture to school, you might even see it on the displayed on the fence!

Or send a picture or a message to the community to go on the fence outside of school

Go to YouTube as Myleene's Music Klass

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