Sunday, April 26, 2020

Other subject WB 27.04.20


Please continue to learn your times tables up to 12 x 12

Our maths topic is 'Fractions'

Follow the link to see Week 2 fractions lessons.
1) Watch the teaching video
2) Complete the activity sheet
3) Ask an adult or sibling to mark your work using the answer sheet

There are a total of 5 maths lessons!

Other maths tasks

  • Play on Hit the Button - focus on number bonds, halves, doubles and times tables.
  • Adding totals of the weekly shopping list or some work around money. This game could support work on adding money.(Internet explorer only)
  • Practise telling the time. This could be done through this game (scroll down to access the game). Read to the quarter hour and the nearest 5 minutes.
  • Get a piece of paper and ask your child to show everything they know about Subtraction. This could be pictures, diagrams, explanations, methods etc. They can be as creative as they want to be.
  • Go through some of the questions here on subtraction.
  • Practise counting forwards and backwards from any given number in 5s

    Science  The focus is Plants
    Watch he clip titled What is a plant?
               2) Complete the label the plant activity
                                 Challenge: Draw your own plant and label it


    Madame Cartlidge’s French at Home

    Bonjour les enfants !

    For French this week, I think you will really enjoy this little video:

    The mum in the video will show you how to make a fruit kebab with her son. They do everything in both French and English, so you will find out lots of words for fruit in French. And you can even make the recipe with them! If you want to eat it at the end of the day, you can put it in the fridge to keep fresh.

    Bon appetit!

              Be Creative

    Have a go at creating your own balloon car using the following instructions. Post your pictures so that I can see your creations!

    Go to YouTube as Myleene's Music Klass

    Be Active:

    Joe Wick is putting on a PE at home lesson daily find him at P.E with Joe on youtube 

    Go for a walk or cycle but take social distancing precautions follow current government advice


    1. Hi everyone hope you are doing well
      What is a plant?

      A plant grows by seeds getting thrown in the soil. Firstly the roots berry their selves into the soil. It needs a very strong stem to hold up the green leaves. Seeds contain a stall of food enabling a new plant to grow. Look at this flower attracting insects to eat with vibrant and intoxicating smells.

    2. Great work Zakariyah, well done for explaining what a plant is using your own words.

    3. Hi everyone hope you are doing well,
      I couldn't understand what recount fantasy narrative means exactly.
      This is the meaning of these words.
      something that you done and you are telling it again

      you have to use your imagination

      it is a story.
      This is the meaning that I thought it would be,
      this is now what I wrote,

      One day I peaked through the window to see if I could sneak into the house. I flew into the house through the window. I put hot lava in everyone things. There lot of eggs that had lava in them. One egg was at the edge of the bed. My egg dropped on the boy's book. I was shocked to see it. I ran because the humongous dinosaur was chasing me. Suddenly I reached the end of the cliff. I was too scared to fall down so I never fell down but I stood up at very edge of the cliff shivering whilst the dinosaur was roaring.

      The End!
      This is what I found out and wrote in my book.

      Take Care

      Zakariya M
