Monday, April 20, 2020

Home learning WB 20.04.20

These 2 lessons are based on the clip The Dream Giver which can be found 

Lesson 5 objective  I am learning to write effective character description

Pause the film at 3 min 36 seconds.  Make a prediction about what the creature will look like. Who are what is the ‘Shadow Serpent’. Record in your books what you think the creature will look like
and what attributes it may have- sharp claws, big eyes, venomous fangs etc. 
Watch the film up to 4 mins 4secs. Is the the monster is scary?  Had you imagined something
scarier?  Could you produce something scarier in your writing? 

Using the monster below or why not draw the monster that you imagined- label its features  eyes, skin, talons/claws, wings, tail, teeth etc. 

Use powerful similes to describe the monster for example-The monster’s eye was a chipped emerald glinting evilly in the darkness.  - is much more 
effective than The monster’s eye was round like a football.

Use expanded noun phrases and similes for effect to describe the features of the monster- make it as scary as possible.

Look at my example:

Long, white fangs flashed in the creatures dark, cavernous mouth.  The stench of its breath filled the
air as it roared a long rattling roar.  It spread its wings, which billowed behind it like the frayed cloak 
of an ancient wizard.  The creature’s eyes burned like hot coals dragged from the fires of the 
underworld, and as it came closer, its obsidian claws glinted in the dim moonlight and slashed at the air

Post your example on the blog for me and others to read and comment on.

Lesson 6  Objective I am learning to create a fantasy narrative

meanwhile, whilst, (in the) meantime, back in the _____, at the same time

Use the above conjunctions and  phrases to write sentences which have a shift in the setting. these sentences can be made up or based on films or books you have read.
Create some sentences to describe the action:  E.g. Whilst Sully was in the bedroom, Mike waited outside.
Ron and Hermione were at The Leaky Cauldron, meanwhile, back at Hogwarts, Harry was sneaking 
into the head teacher’s office.

Watch the short section of the film between 3 min 20 secs and 4 min 09 secs summarise the main sequence of events in 4-6 bullet points and any key vocabulary.

Read the writing below - what makes it interesting for the reader? 

Using your bullet points and key vocabulary from earlier, create a short section of narrative to emulate the monster chasing the boy.  Include some 
description from lesson 5. Use powerful verbs, expanded noun phrases, similes and short sentences to build tension
Post your example on the blog for me and others to read and comment on.

Use the structure below. to set out your work.

  • You could share a story together. This could be a chapter book where you read and discuss a chapter a day.
  • Listen to your child read and let them discuss what they have read. Encourage them to read with expression and intonation.
  • Watch Newsround and discuss what is happening in the wider world.
  • Get your child to read a book on Oxford Owl, discuss what your child enjoyed about the book.
  • Get your child to read and complete the activities. These focus on comprehension skills. April Fools’ Day
  • Explore new vocabulary you find when reading. What are the origins of this word? Can it be modified? Can you find any synonyms or antonyms for your new word?
  • With your child, look in magazines, newspapers and books for new vocabulary they are unfamiliar with. They could use a highlighter to highlight in magazines and newspapers.

Wb 20/4/20 Miss Davies’ performance poetry family task
Work together to learn and perform this poem. This is a long one so you may want to just do the chorus!
The Boneyard Rap by Wes Magee
This is the rhythm of the boneyard rap,
knuckle bones click and hand bones clap,
finger bones flick and thigh bones slap,
when you’re doing the rhythm of the boneyard rap.

It’s the boneyard rap and it’s a scare.
Give your bones a shake-up if you dare.
Rattle your teeth and waggle your jaw
and let’s do the boneyard rap once more. (do 8 finger snaps)
This is the rhythm of the boneyard rap,
elbow bones clink and backbones snap,
shoulder bones chink and toe bones tap,
when you’re doing the rhythm of the boneyard rap.

It’s the boneyard rap and it’s a scare.
Give your bones a shake-up if you dare.
Rattle your teeth and waggle your jaw
and let’s do the boneyard rap once more. (do 8 finger snaps)
This is the rhythm of the boneyard rap,
ankle bones sock and arm bones flap,
pelvic bones knock and knee bones zap,
when you’re doing the rhythm of the boneyard rap.

It’s the boneyard rap and it’s a scare.
Give your bones a shake-up if you dare.
Rattle your teeth and waggle your jaw
and let’s do the boneyard rap once more. (do 8 finger snaps)

  • Choose 5 Common Exception words. Write a synonym, antonyms, the meaning and an example of how to use the word in a sentence. Can the word be modified?
  • Choose 5 Common Exception words and practise spelling them using pyramid words. Write the word in a pyramid, e.g.

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