Monday, May 18, 2020

Other subjects WB 18.05.20

Please continue to learn your times tables up to 12 x 12 on TTRS 

Our maths topic is 'decimals and fractions' there is a different lesson each day for you to watch and complete

Follow the link to see ‘Summer Term Week 2’

1) Watch the teaching video
2) Complete the activity sheet
3) Ask an adult or sibling to mark your work using the answer sheet
4) email a copy of your learning by taking a photo or scanning and sending  it to
There are a total of 5 maths lessons!

Please log in to you Matheletics account as I have set some problem solving fraction challenges for you. 

 Other maths tasks

  • Play on Hit the Button - focus on number bonds, halves, doubles and times tables.
  • Adding totals of the weekly shopping list or some work around money. This game could support work on adding money.(Internet explorer only)
  • Practise telling the time. This could be done through this game (scroll down to access the game). Read to the quarter hour and the nearest 5 minutes.
  • Get a piece of paper and ask your child to show everything they know about Subtraction. This could be pictures, diagrams, explanations, methods etc. They can be as creative as they want to be.
  • Go through some of the questions here on subtraction.
  • Practise counting forwards and backwards from any given number in 5s

    Science  The focus is Plants

    watch the clip titled why are bee attracted to flowers on BBC bitesize complete the fill in the gaps then complete the quiz.

     RE and PSHE

    This week we are going to look at article 14  read what the article is about then watch the clip and complete one of the activities suggested

    Madame Cartlidge’s French at Home

    Bonjour les enfants !

    Watch a ‘Trotro’ cartoon with a grown up on this Youtube channel, and then tell your grown up what the story was all about.

    Why not try this working in this artist's style of art or just appreciate the art work he achieves as suggested by Ms West: she says "
    This lovely video about an artist called David Zinn = Google him and he comes straight up.

    He does beautiful 3D street art - little fantasy characters that he builds around a crack in the pavement or a tuft of grass..."

    If you try this art why on email it to your class email address

    Go to YouTube as Myleene's Music Klass

    Be Active:

    Joe Wick is putting on a PE at home lesson daily find him at P.E with Joe on youtube 

    Go for a walk or cycle but take social distancing precautions follow current government advice

    1 comment:

    1. Hi Miss K
      I need help please!

      When I try to click white rose maths link, it would take me to blogger as below

      Zakariya M
