Monday, March 23, 2020

Other subjects WB 23.03.20


Please continue to learn your times tables up to 12x 12
The majority of math learning will be delivered through Mathletics and TTRS children have individual logins for these sites

Here are some other useful web sites   ( English , Maths and Science) is offering some free resources

The maths for year  3 for the next couple of weeks measurements

Ma3/3.1    Measurement

Ma3/3.1a    measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g); volume/capacity (l/ml)

Ma3/3.1b    measure the perimeter of simple 2-D shapes

Ma3/3.1c    add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both £ and p in practical contexts

Ma3/3.1d    tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks

Ma3/3.1e    estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute; record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours; use vocabulary such as o'clock, am/pm, morning, afternoon, noon and midnight

Ma3/3.1f    know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year

Ma3/3.1g    compare durations of events

Practical tasks linked to measurement

Why not make a clock and write the time in 12hr, Roman numerals and 24- hours
get children to tell you the time when they  start an activity and when they end an activity then get them to calculate the duration
Get the children to look at the receipts from recent shopping trips and work out the change from different amounts of money given also find as many different ways to make the total cost of the goods using different coins and notes
measure the height of the members in your family
when cooking measure out the ingredients focusing on using scales accurately  and duration of cooking time

Other maths tasks
  • Play on Hit the Button - focus on number bonds, halves, doubles and times tables.
  • Adding totals of the weekly shopping list or some work around money. This game could support work on adding money.(Internet explorer only)
  • Practise telling the time. This could be done through this game (scroll down to access the game). Read to the quarter hour and the nearest 5 minutes.
  • Get a piece of paper and ask your child to show everything they know about Addition. This could be pictures, diagrams, explanations, methods etc. They can be as creative as they want to be.
  • Go through some of the questions here on addition.

Science  the focus is rocks and soils
Watch he clip titled What is soil?  

After watching the clip, children could carry out an investigation into soil permeability by timing how long it takes a certain amount of water to drain through a particular sample. Children could contrast sandy soil, to clay soil, to rocky soil, and examine samples under the microscope to look at how the particles are packed and relate this back to how quickly the water is able to flow through it. Children could consider the effects these types of soil could have in areas at risk of flooding and for farmers and crops growing in field

Madame Cartlidge’s French at Home

Create an account on ‘Babelzone’
This website is usually only available for paying customers. However, during the virus outbreak, they have made it available to all teachers and children free of charge:

  • Click ‘Use your Promo Code’ (see picture below)

  • Then enter the code ‘lcf2020sch’
  • Enter your email address and create a password
  • Choose ‘French’
Now choose a topic and there will be lots of activities for you!
You can keep coming back to this website and choosing something else to do 

Be Creative

How to make an erupting volcano at home

By Mary SmithUpdated: January 16, 2017
How to make an erupting volcano at home
One of the most spectacular things you can build in your home is a volcano. It may seem impossible but anybody can make a volcano with a little time and the right materials. Making a volcano at home can be done in many different ways depending on the density or consistency you want to give the lava, the material used in the construction of the slopes and according to the virulence of the eruption, etc., all these being your choices.
You'll need:
We will place the plastic bottle in the centre and make the lateral slopes with mud or papier mache. Here we will use a 1/3 litre bottle to make the volcano, but you can build a larger home made volcano using larger bottles.
You can varnish the homemade volcano with plasticine, clay or papier mache, so that the building material used is waterproof to the aqueous solution, which is the lava. This means that it can also be washed with water and thus can be used repeatedly, as if it were always the first time.


We will put two tablespoons of baking soda in the 1/3 litre bottle we selected to make the homemade volcano.

To make the volcano lava add liquid soap, about one tablespoon. You can also use water and flour to achieve the desired viscosity for the volcano lava.
Add a little paprika to give the lava volcano reddish tone. If the soap used is red this step is unnecessary.
You are now ready to erupt the homemade volcano. Just mix the ingredients with a spoon or other item, add a splash of vinegar to the mix and move back.
Now you can amaze your friends with the easily home made erupting volcano.


And if you want more ideas, you can see here how to make glue paste at home which you can also use for science projects.

Be Active:

Go Noodle with the family or have a family workout. Fancy a dance? There are lots of dance videos they could try. Dance. Maybe try some Yoga.
Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week.
Go for a walk or cycle but take social distaancing precautions


  1. Wow! What a lot of great learning for you Year 3!

  2. Dream giver from the literacy shed

    The dream giver broke into the orphanage and opened an egg and cracked it onto one person and his dream was all about what was on him and the dream giver kept doing it to other people

    The dream giver is going to crack the egg on to the children

    I would like the dream giver to crack an egg on my football and my dream would be all about being a professional footballer

    I think how might mates are created are when children watch scary films and they get scared

    I think the dream giver will come and give the children scarier dreams

    Signed by abdirahman

    1. Abdirahman, fantastic work! You have showed a really good understanding of the dream giver. Keep up the good work and take care.

      Miss Kondwani
